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Artist: Metamorphose String Orchestra, Pavel LyubomudrovComposer: Erik Satie
Version: Arr. for String Orchestra by M. Naughtin
Classical Music, Strings
Track duration: 03:33
Personal use / Corporate video:
Artist: Harrison ShecklerComposer: Erik Satie
Classical Music, Piano
Track duration: 02:54
Artist: New European EnsembleComposer: Erik Satie
Version: Arr. by Ryan Linham
Classical Music, Romantic
Track duration: 03:26
Artist: Floraleda SacchiComposer: Erik Satie
Version: Arr. for Harp - 432Hz
Track duration: 02:19
Track duration: 02:50
Track duration: 02:01
Artist: Giuseppe AzzarelliComposer: Erik Satie
Classical Music, Romantic, Piano
Track duration: 03:34
Track duration: 02:42
Track duration: 03:35
Track duration: 03:04
Track duration: 02:32
Version: Arr. for Harp - 432 Hz
Track duration: 05:38
Track duration: 02:41
Track duration: 04:05
Track duration: 04:46
Track duration: 05:03
Artist: Luke FaulknerComposer: Erik Satie
Track duration: 04:01
Artist: Carlo BalzarettiComposer: Erik Satie
Track duration: 03:08
Track duration: 03:52