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Artist: Orchestra del Musical "Caino e Abele"Composer: Tony Cucchiara
Version: Base Strumentale
Instrumental & Easy Listening
Track duration: 03:20
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Artist: Benedetta Iardella, Cast Caino e Abele, Francesca InnocentiComposer: Tony Cucchiara
Track duration: 03:19
Track duration: 07:02
Artist: Asia Retico, Cast Caino e AbeleComposer: Tony Cucchiara
Track duration: 03:08
Artist: Cast Caino e Abele, Michelangelo NariComposer: Tony Cucchiara
Track duration: 03:09
Artist: Benedetta Iardella, Cast Caino e Abele, Luca Bacci Composer: Tony Cucchiara
Track duration: 03:40
Artist: Michele PerrottaComposer: Tony Cucchiara
Track duration: 03:22
Track duration: 03:24
Artist: Cast Caino e AbeleComposer: Tony Cucchiara
Track duration: 01:30
Artist: Benedetta Iardella, Cast Caino e Abele, Francesca Innocenti, Michele PerrottaComposer: Tony Cucchiara
Track duration: 07:22